Chapter 12 - Extra Help - A Fortnite Story

This is a fan-made Fortnite Battle Royale story in which I do not own any of the characters or anything used in the story. This is Chapter 12 of that story and it will introduce the rest of the Season 3 Battle Pass skins. Enjoy!
Extra Help
Setting: Early Season 3 | Dusty Depot
          Wukong, Raptor, and Skull Trooper were sitting in the middle of the central warehouse in Dusty Depot, which has acted as a communication center upstairs, an armory, and a tech lab, but also a congregation area after being converted to a militarized facility in Season 2. Not much had happened in about a week besides an attempted escape from prison by Circuit Breaker, which failed.
          Red lights begin to flash and a siren started blasting, "Uh oh, a breach is opening up," Raptor said as he rushed towards the stairs that lead to the communication center. Skull Trooper and Wukong went into the armory, each grabbing scars, and tactical shotguns.
          "Where's the breach Raptor?" Wukong asked, ready to leave.
          "It's right on top of us!" Raptor yelled back in response.
          "Wukong you might want to turn around," Skull Trooper said pointing his scar at the opening breach.
          "Don't shoot! Don't shoot! We come in peace!" The man stepping through the breach said as he cautiously stepped through with two astronauts following him.
          "Who are you? Put your hands in the air!" Wukong yelled.
          "I am Reaper, but you can call me John Wick, and the orange one is Mission Specialist, and the white one is Moonwalker. We aren't here to hurt you, actually the opposite. We want to help take down Black Knight. I'm a bounty hunter and their island was far more technologically advanced than this one, but Black Knight took it over, these are the last two known survivors," the man said.
          "How do you know ours isn't as advanced?" Raptor asked.
          "Believe me, you guys are way behind. I've been here before, I grew up in Tomato Town. We brought as much tech as we could hold, hopefully, it'll help stop Black Knight," John Wick responded.
          "What kind of tech?" Raptor asked curiously.
          "Ok well first, this is a guided missile launcher. Moonwalker, would you like to explain?" John Wick asked.
          "I would love to Mr. Wick. These missiles are synced up to a controller that can make the missile change its trajectory mid-flight. The missile only has enough fuel to fly for 15 seconds before exploding," She said.
          "How do you know all of this?" Raptor asked one of the worst questions possible.
          "I built them. I'm assuming you're the tech person of this operation here, I was the same, just a little better at my job," She said in a cocky tone.
          "No need for that last part, at least I don't need to be in a space suit," Raptor shot back.
          "Raptor, Moonwalker, let's calm down alright? Moonwalker, continue with the next item," John Wick said.
          "How did you kn..."
          "Know your name? I know everything Raptor," John Wick interrupted.
          "Ok, these are remote explosives. You throw them down and you press a button on a remote and they explode. Not much to it, next thing. Port-a-Fort is what we call the next thing. You throw it down and it instantly builds a steel base. The final gun we brought over is the light machine gun, but we call it the LMG. There's a 100 round magazine, and now to the final item. Clinger grenades, you throw them, they stick to their first contact with anything, and they explode. The end," Moonwalker spoke quickly.
          "Now we don't know how much these will help, but hopefully it's enough to take down Black Knight," Mission Specialist added.
          "We'll take all the help we can get," Wukong said.
          "Also, we need a place to stay," Moonwalker said.
          "Well, how did you live at home?" Skull Trooper asked.
          "City life," Moonwalker said, "But I want to work here."
          "Ok, well Tilted Towers is very close and that's the biggest city on the island," Skull Trooper said.
          "That'll work," Moonwalker said.
          "I know the owner to the C Apartments, I can get you a place there rent-free," Raptor chimed in.
          "Mission Specialist, what about you," Skull Trooper asked.
          "Small town, like a very small, exclusive town," he responded.
          "Ok, Snobby Shores is the only place on the island like that that I can think of, I own a house there. You can live there and we'll just drop Moonwalker off on the way," Skull Trooper said joyfully.
          "Ok great," Mission Specialist said, relieved.
          "I'll stay here in the barracks. Thank you all so much for this, it means a lot," John Wick said.
          "Anything for extra help," Wukong said.
I know this chapter was uneventful, I was writing this the day of and couldn't think of a better way to introduce the new characters.
I am open to any suggestions for the future of the story. I will try my best to use any and all ideas you give and I will contact you and ask for your social media accounts to give you credit. If it takes a few chapters to use your ideas it's because, for the most part, I write the chapters a few days before I post them. Stay notified of when a new chapter is released by following me on Twitter. Don't forget to comment your thoughts and suggestions for the storyline, or you can send us your ideas on Twitter and I'll try my best to fit them into the story. Hopefully, you all are enjoying this storyline, I'm enjoying writing it. If you want to read the previous chapters, the intro, and any future chapters, click/tap here. See you tomorrow? If not, very soon!


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