Chapter 22 - Omega's Rise - A Fortnite Story

This is a fan-made Fortnite Battle Royale story in which I do not own any of the characters or anything used in the story. This is Chapter 22 of that story and it will cover the Blockbuster loading screens 2-4. Enjoy!
Omega's Escape
Setting: John Wick Mansion | Early Season 3 
          Raptor, John Wick, Carbide, Valor, and Steelsight were sitting in the basement of the Wick Mansion staring at a security camera tape that showed the meteor in the prison cracking open to reveal Omega. "Look, there he goes!" Raptor yelled as he jumped out of his seat.
          "We see him Raptor, we see him," John Wick responded.
          "Well, how are we going to stop him?" Raptor asked.
          "We're not sure yet, but we'll find a way," John Wick answered.
          "We don't know enough about him yet, or where he's going," Carbide added.
          Just then, someone was coming down the steps, everyone froze. It was Wukong with Squad Leader. "Everyone, I was out exploring Wailing Woods with Crimson Scout and Scarlet Defender and we came across a mysterious bunker, although we couldn't open it. Just thought you should know."
          "Great, thank you Wukong, we'll keep an eye on it, do we have an update on the progress on the protection of the Dusty Divot rock?" John Wick asked, turning to Squad Leader.
          "Yes, we have a ceiling to protect it from above now," Squad Leader responded.
          "Ok, keep at it with that excavation. Now, back to Omega," John Wick said. Squad Leader and Wukong turned back towards the stairs and left.
          "We know he came from Moisty Mire, and he was heading East. We just don't know where.
An Unknown Location (The Bunker)
          "Mwahaha, at last, I have my own servants," Omega said admiring his steel soldiers, "You shall be Chromium, and you, Diecast."
          "Yes, Master Omega," Diecast responded, "What is our first duty?"
          "Find me Venturion and Ventura," Omega said. The bunker opened, and Diecast and Chromium flew out. Venturion and Ventura had found a home for sale in Pleasant Park, they had since moved in. They were sitting in their bedroom, organizing furniture when the doorbell rang. 
          "Ooh, that must be the couch I ordered!" Ventura said enthusiastically as they both quickly went downstairs to see who it was. When the door opened, they were surprised to see two E.C.F. members at the door.
          "I am Trailblazer and this is Battlehawk, we are here today to take you into custody," Trailblazer said.
          "Um, may I ask what we did?" Venturion asked.
          "You are both undocumented citizens of this island, therefore you must come with us," Battlehawk responded. They both willingly had the handcuffs put on and they were brought to the bunker in Wailing Woods.
          "Is this the new prison?" Ventura asked.
          "Yes," Trailblazer responded. She opened the bunker and threw them both down the hatch. Chromium and Diecast changed back to their steel forms and flew down behind them. Ventura and Venturion looked up to see Omega staring down at them.
          "Wait a minute..." Venturion trailed off.
          "That was very easy considering you both have powers. Oh well, maybe the age is getting to you both. Good luck never seeing daylight ever again mwahaha," Omega laughed. Chromium and Diecast brought them to their feet and guided them to their cells.
          "You won't get away with this, Omega," Venturion responded.
          "Shut up and move!" Diecast yelled, pushing Venturion.
Outside of Wailing Woods
          Valor, Carbide, Raptor, and Brite Bomber were outside of Wailing Woods preparing a plan, "Brite Bomber, you can not come. It's not safe!" Raptor asserted.
          "But Raptor, please!" Brite Bomber begged.
          "No Brite Bomber, I'm sorry," Carbide said.
          "If he's going, I'm going. There's no stopping me!" Brite Bomber pleaded.
          "Then I guess he's not going," Valor added.
          "Come on, Brite Bomber, let's go back to Wick's, I'll tell Wukong to come, he knows where it is," Raptor said. Brite Bomber sighed and hugged Raptor, and they started the walk back to John Wick's Mansion near Lonely Lodge. Valor and Carbide waited for a little while for Wukong to come, but it got dark before he came, so they headed back to the mansion, and were going to try again the next morning.
I am open to any suggestions for the future of the story. I will try my best to use any and all ideas you give and I will contact you and ask for your social media accounts to give you credit. If it takes a few chapters to use your ideas it's because, for the most part, I write the chapters a few days before I post them. Stay notified of when a new chapter is released by following me on Twitter. Don't forget to comment your thoughts and suggestions for the storyline, or you can send us your ideas on Twitter and I'll try my best to fit them into the story. Hopefully, you all are enjoying this storyline, I'm enjoying writing it. If you want to read the previous chapters, the intro, and any future chapters, click/tap here. Ask me your questions on Twitter or this email or in the comments! All of these are from Twitter messages or emails. Q&A every odd chapter. Bye!


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