How One New Feature Could Ruin Forza Horizon 4 (But it probably won't)

             In the community, there has been a bit of a disagreement on how seasons will either make or break the game. On one side, people are saying that seasons are the best thing to happen to the Forza Horizon series in quite a while. The other side is saying that you don't have control over the seasons, because they change weekly, so it is one of the worst things to happen to the series.
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             For the group that likes the implementation of seasons, it makes the world more dynamic and feel more alive. However, with a new feature as big as this one, there are going to be a lot of people that don't like it because it's new, and they are unfamiliar with it. Overall, a large amount of the people who feel that way will eventually come around later throughout the game's lifespan, as long as the seasons live up to the hype.
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             The only bad thing about uncontrollable seasons is that, the chance for you to not like one of the seasons exists, and for the week that the game is set to that season, is not going to be very fun. The only season that will most likely make people angry is Winter. The reason for this is because Winter is so much different, compared to the rest of the seasons. The only time this could become a problem is for the people who don't want anything to do with trucks, Jeeps, or anything offroad. The game isn't limited to just driving, those players can still paint or make tunes during that week.
Image result for forza horizon 4 winter
             What season are you most excited for in Forza Horizon 4? Tell us below or on Twitter! Also check out our other Forza Horizon 4 Posts!


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