Forzathon Challenges 7/20/18

            Forzathon is often branded as #Forzathon and are special timed challenges in Forza Horizon and Forza Motorsport games that give rewards upon completion. For Forza Horizon 4, Forzathon has been completely revamped. Forza Horizon 4 won't be releasing until early October, so here are this week's Forzathon challenges.

Forza Horizon 3: July 20th - July 26th

Making A Splash - The weather's fine at the Festival.
  1. Every Racer's A Critic: Beat A Rival - 35,000 XP
  2. Still Byron's Better: Get 3 Stars on the Byron's Leap Danger Sign - 3 Wheelspins
  3. The Road Even Less Traveled: Complete 3 Races in an Offroad Vehicle - Subaru Brat HE
  4. Jumping For July: Perform 10 Kangaroo Skills - 55,000 Credits
Image result for forzathon making a splash


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