Every House in Forza Horizon 4 - Location, Price, and Rewards

Forza Horizon 4 is the first Horizon game to give players the ability to own houses. The World's Fastest Rentals business is another purchasable property for players for 100,000 CR in Edinburgh. Each of the 12 player houses range from a small cottage to Edinburgh Castle itself, all of which contain a special set of rewards and bonuses.
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House #1 - The Gables

This house is every player's first house that is given to you by Mike Steele, for helping as a stunt driver for his movie series. The Gables is free, unlocks drone mode, and is unlocked close to 40 minutes through the game.

House #2 Sunflower Meadows

One of the 2 cheapest houses that actually costs money is the Sunflower Meadows, which is located in the village of Ambleside in the Lake District. Players receive 1 Super Wheelspin and a pair of Green Wellies for the price of 200,000 CR.

House #3 - Croftdale Farm

If you prefer being up North in the Scottish Highlands, then Croftdale Farm is for you. The house also goes for 200,000 CR and grants owners one Super Wheelspin and the Sheep Horn.

House #4 - Kingfisher Cottage

West of the Derwent Reservoir is the Kingfisher Cottage. This house costs 150,000 CR more than the previous 2 and only gives one regular wheelspin and the Rubber Ducky horn.

House #5 - Thatch Corner

Located in the Southwest corner of the map on the beach is Thatch Corner. This house goes for 500,000 CR and grants the "Are we there yet?" Quick Chat Phrase, as well as 2 Super Wheelspins.

House #6 Castleview Road

Castleview Road is settled just outside the southern edge of Edinburgh. With this 750,000 CR house, you will be given 3 Super Wheelspins and a Red Velvet Blazer.

House #7 - The Huntsman's Lodge

Also going for 750,000 CR, the incredibly hard to find Huntsman's Lodge is located deep in the Lakehurst Forest. This house also grants 3 Super Wheelspins and unlocks Skill Songs.

House #8 - Derwent Mansion

This house is the first to break the 1 Million CR mark at 1.5 Million CR. Located on the Southwest edge of Derwent Water, this house gives 5 Super Wheelspins, and a Golden Tank Top.

House #9 - Fairlawn Manor

This is one of the properties that all players need to purchase. Going for 2,000,000 CR, this house grants the ability to fast travel anywhere that the player chooses, a silver top hat, and 10 Super Wheelspins.

House #10 - Lake Lodge (VIP House)

This 5,000,000 CR house is completely free for VIP players. This house is situated on the Northern end of Derwent Water and gives players Double #Forzathon Points and 5 Super Wheelspins.

"House" #11 - Bamburgh Castle

"House" is put in quotations because it's not just a house, it's an entire castle located on the coast. This is one of the 2 castles that you can own. For 10,000,000 CR you can buy this castle, and get yourself a barn find rumor and 10 Super Wheelspins.

"House" #12 - Edinburgh Castle

That is right, you can buy THE Edinburgh Castle in Forza Horizon 4 for a whopping 15,000,000 CR. It is the most expensive purchasable thing in the game and is located in the heart if historic Edinburgh. The Castle also comes with a company car – the Alfa Romeo P3 (which costs 10 million CR by itself), and 10 Super Wheelspins.
In total, all 12 of these houses will cost 36,250,000 CR (31,250,000 CR for VIP players). On the bright side, you will get 50 Super Wheelspins, 1 Wheelspin, an Alfa Romeo P3, an extra barn find, double Forzathon Points, a Silver Top Hat, the ability to fast travel anywhere, access to drone mode, a Golden Tank Top, access to Skill Songs, a Red Velvet Blazer, the "Are we there yet?" Quick Chat Phrase, the Sheep Horn, the Rubber Ducky Horn, and a pair of Green Wellies. Is it worth it? Let us know in the comments down below or on Twitter. Or, check out the First Month of Car Pass Cars.


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