Forza Horizon 4 Autumn Stream Recap

          The second of 4 Forza Horizon 4 weekly streams just took place, with the showcased season of Autumn. Here is a recap of information about Forza Horizon 4 we were given from the Autumn Stream.
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          Easily the biggest thing revealed this week was the map. Below is a video showing the map, the people playing zoomed all the way in, rather than just showing the whole map. As we went around we could see Edinburgh up in the Northern part of the map, and farther South is the more rural area. The main lake can be seen on the West side of the map, titled Derwent Water, as well as a beach on the opposite side. A few drag strips are scattered across the map, including one at the Festival and an abandoned airport.
          The next major thing showcased were the offroad bodykits. The car that they focused on for this was the Jeep Trackhawk. The kit featured huge tires, offroad fenders, a light bar, and a pushbar on the front bumper. Another important part of this is that it lifts the cars up higher. There are 12 confirmed cars with offroad bodykits releasing at launch, including the Range Rover SVR, the Bentley Bentayga, and obviously, the Jeep Trackhawk. 
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          Forza Horizon 4 features a showcase where the player, driving a trophy truck, races a hovercraft. Another previously confirmed one is a Spring Showcase against the bikes. We still don't know the Summer and Winter showcase events. Summer could feature jets, and Winter might have snowmobiles, but these two are just speculation.
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          Forza Horizon 4 online has been granted the name, Horizon Life. While they did brag about 72 player servers, the maximum you will be able to see on your screen at once is 12. The way the ghosting mode works has brought a little bit of confusion. Players around you will be automatically ghosted unless they are in your party or in a convoy with you. Another major feature that made people happy is, while going through speed zones and drift zones, you will ghost through traffic cars. Photo mode is fairly simple for Forza Horizon 4 online, you enter photo mode, and the entire world freezes for you to get the perfect picture. Online rewind works the same way.
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          Forzathon challenges take place every hour, day, and week. For the hourly ones, everyone travels to a certain point on the map, and the people in your lobby have to complete three different challenges. These challenges are something like, "Achieve 2,000 miles per hour on a speed zone." Once everyone completes that, Challenge 2 comes up, which is slightly harder, and the same for Challenge 3. Once they are completed, all players who participated receive Forzathon Points. If you want to learn about the new Forzathon system, you can go to an article here
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          Offroading in supercars or hypercars is no longer as over powered, and has been nerfed coming from Forza Horizon 3. Car Masteries were hinted at, which is a progression system for your car, but we did not learn much more. 
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          That's all of the new information from the Forza Horizon 4 Autumn Stream. If you want to preorder Forza Horizon 4, you can do so here. What feature revealed this week are you most excited for? Tell us below or send us a message on Twitter! The next stream will take place on Tuesday, June 24th at 2pm EST, which will showcase Forza Horizon 4 in Winter. 


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